Sunday, October 19, 2014

Abstraction: How Do Linguists Think Mathematically?

As a devoted student of mathematics, I have never been fond of social sciences. Vague borderlines between different concepts and strong emphasis on seemingly temporal ideas were not exactly appealing to me, who was rather used to discussing well-defined ideas and the abstract world. Therefore when I was exposed to linguistics for my first time through this course, I was profoundly surprised by the logical structure of the subject and how its impression resonates with what I get from mathematics. Although linguistics is classified as social sciences, it essentially shares a very similar approach with mathematics, i.e. abstraction.

Abstraction is a term in the theory of meta-mathematics that describes the act of extracting the essential characteristics from a diverse collection of complex and sophisticated concepts. Abstraction is a universal approach in mathematics that is used in any sub-branch one can imagine. It is usually presented in the form of integrating individual examples into a more general setting, in which we can remove the less important features of each object and discuss their essential similarities. Consider the following example in topology, a branch of mathematics that studies things that are preserved under stretching and bending.

 It is an old joke that a topologist cannot distinguish a doughnut from a coffee mug. A doughnut and a mug is equivalent in the sense of topology, because we can deform one into the other by only enlarging or pressing some parts of it, without having to cut or glue. By establishing such an equivalence, we are removing the specific features of each object that are not relevant to our focus of study, the features that are not preserved under such continuous transformations. The remaining properties in the class of equivalent objects are the characteristics that matter to a topologist. By extracting such core characteristics, mathematicians only have to examine the properties of the generalized object (a torus in this case) and simply apply the general conclusion to the special cases (like the mug) to derive topological answers about them. This way, mathematicians shift their area of interest from the concrete to the abstract, hence organizing their theories to be more consistent, applicable, and above all, aesthetic.

Now we could notice that there is a linguistic counterpart to the same approach, within the theory of phonology and morphology that we have been learning for the past few weeks.

The concept of phoneme is a strong example of abstraction found in linguistics. When we discuss sounds in phonology, we do not place our primary attention to the individual realizations of sounds; we rather remove the phonetic variations in the sounds we perceive, and leave the remaining, preserved form of abstract sounds—phonemes—as our subject of interest. 

Revisiting the example that we have frequently used throughout our class, the aspirated bilabial stop [ph] and the normal bilabial stop [p] are “phonemically equivalent” in the sense that although they are phonetically distinct sounds, their difference do not coincide with difference in meanings (in English). As linguists studying phonology are concerned about different sounds that result in distinct meanings, the phonetic details that distinguish [ph] from [p] are negligible, and hence they remove such features and examine the equivalence class of the sounds instead, namely /p/. This procedure is inherently similar to how topologists reduce coffee mugs and doughnuts to “same” objects. During our transition from phonetics to phonology, we were experiencing the important process of abstraction.

The approach of abstraction that we use in our discussion of phonemes in phonology, and similarly morphemes in morphology, leads us to a remarkable resemblance between linguistics and mathematics. Linguists reason just as rigorously and abstractly as mathematicians do, making it a fascinating realm of knowledge for mathematicians to adventure. 


  1. Reading your post reminded me of a class I took on modal logic. If you’re interested in exploring the link between linguistics and mathematics much further, I would definitely recommend taking PHIL 154: Modal Logic with Professor Johan van Benthem in the spring and reading his book, Modal Logic for Open Minds.

    To give a brief introduction, modal logic is the formal study of what we can deduce from sentences that contain the modal expressions “it is necessary that” and “it is possible that.” Suppose you have the propositions p and q, for example, is the sentence “It is necessary that ‘if p, then q’” equivalent to the sentence “If it is necessary that p, then it is necessary that q”? This study of “equivalent” sentences can be extended to “equivalent” models of possible (semantic) worlds, and this whole “equivalence” idea is just a riff off of the idea of “invariance” in mathematics, which you mentioned above. In fact, within modal logic, invariance appears quite often in discussions of “bisimulation,” which is a concept that also animates theoretical computer science.

    Sub-fields of modal logic include epistemic logic (expressions of knowledge, e.g. If I know p, does it follow that I know that I know p? If I don’t know q, does it follow that I know that I don’t know q?); temporal/tense logic (expressions of time, e.g. Is the adage “What will always be, will be” logically valid?); doxastic logic (expressions of belief); and deontic logic (expressions of obligation and permission). These various sub-fields give us a template for understanding what is implied by epistemic, temporal, doxastic, and deontic expressions that occur in natural language, and for this reason, they are of interest not only to mathematicians and philosophers but also to linguistics alike.

  2. Having not read your post until I had posted mine, I did not realize the similarity in the ideas that we both presented. Yet, I think it is a great dichotomy that has been formed by how both of us have written about a similar topic yet we both approach it from different angles. As a typically "fuzzy" student who has not spent a lot of my world in discrete mathematics or any sort of similar field, my description of abstraction got at the same concept as you, but in a different manner. With a description that is quite technical (compared to my very flowered and wordy description) there provides a different sense of what abstraction is. I find that the description you gave provides me a more exact sense of how the idea of phonemes and allophones are related in terms of abstraction. This mathematical sense allowed me to understand the organization of linguistic study better and I appreciate having that knowledge. I also want to have further understanding of how this type of mathematical abstract knowledge can be used to analyze linguistics.
